Sunday, August 23, 2009

Moving On.

This is the first time I've done this, and I hope to not have to do it again really, but for the sake of my sanity, I have un-friended someone on Facebook. I mean, I've done that before with a couple people I didn't actually know, people who were part of organizations I was also involved in. But this time, it was someone I actually knew, someone I considered a friend at one point. But that was before facebook. Since friending this person, I have had no positive interaction from them. And you know what, I don't need that kind of constantly argumentative vibe. I'm too good -- and tired -- for that silliness.


disabled account said...

oh, yeah. i don't like doing that either, but sometimes you must control your environment to remain positive.


CSD Faux Finishing said...

I haven't had to do this yet but there are a few people I blocked right up front, specifically to avoid having to do this very thing down the line. It happens all the time, but now its just in a big old public forum which makes it so tough to keep it discreet.

Tellah said...

Hey! Add me back on! I'll be argumentative over here if you don't!!!!

sunnyday said...

I know what you mean about the negative vibe on fb. I've hidden a few people from my news feed and that solved the problem for me. Hope all goes well for you.

Julie said...

Heh. Me, 3 years later. Two of these commenters have unfriended me on facebook since posting. Hmm. C'est ma vie.